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Back in Certaldo

Thought I would write in this blog daily but no, too much happening. Besides working on my own pieces have been discussing studio practices with the artists in class and meeting new people from all over the country.

With Caroline here did a lot of late nights in the studio. We ate a lot of good meals with variations of the same indigents... olive oil, tomatoes and basil. Just so fresh it all tastes good. Also had people for dinner one night and an open house the last night she was here.

Spent two nights in Copenhagen with Caroline's very special 92 yr old friend Ellinor. We prepared dinner one night, guess what, pasta with tomatoes and basil. Also went to the Louisiana Museum to see the Picasso ceramic exhibit showcasing 150 of his works. Felt that the impact of his works on the ceramic world gave credibility to Voulkos, Soldner, and the rest.

That is it. Got to get to work, just 8 days left!!!

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